Health Clinics
When the Women’s Group house was rebuilt after Hurricane Ivan, two small examination rooms were built as a part of the center. Since that time we have been working diligently with a group of volunteer doctors from the Hillsborough County Osteopathic Medical Society of Florida. We have been able to host clinics right here at the Women’s Group house where dermatology, gynecology, and general health have been the focus so far.


We’ve now moved the clinics to The Diabetic Association of Jamaica, St. Elizabeth Branch. This facility is larger and centrally located allowing more residents of Treasure Beach and surrounding communities to attend the clinics. Just recently students from local schools have been able to come in for back to school physical check-ups.


We have also held dental and even veterinarian clinics. Thousands of persons in the community have benefited from these clinics and we are looking forward to expanding this particular part of the Women’s Group’s programs.


We have been happy to have the support of The Bureau of Women’s Affairs, and nursing students from Alverno College located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,  whom have held health fairs focusing on women’s health and issues over the years.

Wellness Seminars
As often as we can we host Wellness seminars inviting guest speakers to come and educate us on wellness issues. Past seminars have included, HIV/Aids Awareness, Physical Abuse, Diabetes, Menopause, etc.


Several of these seminars have been taught by professionals who were visiting Treasure Beach at the time, and as a result we have recently been able to offer Yoga and Dance classes enjoyed by both residents and visitors.


If you are coming for a visit and would like to share your knowledge and/or experience, please let us know! This would be a huge benefit to the community and a wonderful way for you to leave something with the community that will last long after you return home.

The Treasure Beach Women's Group - TBWG; 876-965-3878;;
Calabash Bay P.A., St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, West Indies

Funding for this website was provided by the Private Sector Development Programme (PSDP), a joint initiative of the Government of Jamaica and the European Union and by The Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), in conjunction with World Bank and Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI). Views expressed in this product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the PSDP, JSIF, World Bank or REDI.
